If you have just started using TrūAura Beauty, there is a distinct possibility your skin will feel the difference.
Anytime we change what we are putting on our skin, our skin can possibly “hiccup”. In other words, we might experience a break out or our skin may feel dryer.
The most common reaction to changing to TrūAura Beauty is that my clients’ feel a dryness to their skin. And here is the explanation of what is happening.
The probiotics in the TrūAura formula are doing their job of helping to create a more acidic environment. They lower the pH so they can cause a little surface dryness which is actually an exfoliation. And that is a good thing.
The way to work with that exfoliation which feels like a dryness is to use a coarse cotton washcloth to help exfoliate the skin. Or you might want to try TrūAura's Microderm Abrasion (one of my personal favs). This will lift off those dead skin cells. Your skin will feel fresher and absorb your TrūAura products more efficiently.
Of course, contrary to what we love to see happen, building the microbiome takes time. Changes do not happen overnight because we are not using harmful chemicals. Changes for a more radiant skin are being nurtured from within and that just takes weeks.
Be sure to take a before selfie and then another one in three days….now take a selfie about 3 weeks out and one 3 months out. When you compare you will be delighted at the difference.
And if you like, we all love to see before and after results, so send them on to me and with your permission, I will share them.